"Wherever you watch the sunset, the sun goes down the same way. But many find it beautiful at their location perhaps of the people they were with or nice things that happened on that day. It’s a feeling of great...
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"If the Bermuda Triangle is the curse of North Atlantic Ocean, Hong Kong's Waglan Island is the curse of the Pacific Ocean. How many ships perished in the sea and how many lives were saved by the lighthouse on the...
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"I never go barefoot in the city because I am afraid of dirt and insects, but when I set foot on nature, I couldn't wait to take my shoes off to feel the grass even if there is dried cow...
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"There are rumours that the inhabitants of this place disappeared overnight. I was alone on the day I visited. When I stepped in front of their homes, my head hurt but my heart hurt even more." 「有傳這個地方居民一夜消失,到訪當天我獨自一人,當我踏進它們的家門前,頭很痛,心更痛。」 There is...
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